Personally, I believe I thrived the absoloute MOST in Adobe Photoshop compared to the other programs we learned. I found that not only did I have the most fun with it,but also be able to help my peers on their questions aswell as be able to make creations with a signifigant less ammount of stress campared to the other Adobe Programs we studied. I learnt an endless ammount of skills, simple and complicated yet they were both equally as fun to use. I would love for you to take a look at my favourite adobe program...Adobe Photoshop!
Firstly is my friend Stephanie as a supehero, with her own movie poster.
Next is another poster, now for a famous singer named Billie Eilish.
The following project is about another famous person. This famous person is Kobe Bryant, and I merged a photo of him and the animal he is contantly compared to, a goat.
The next project is a edited photo of a Kraft Dinner Mac and Cheese box, with the content neede to make mac and cheese coming out of the top
Next, I made a project about a bad Mario and Yoshi costume that is looking in the mirror to see what they wish they were, aka the real Mario and Yoshi.
My next project is an oil painting version I made of a woman. I used a tool to smudge the colours together, making it appear as an oil painting.
The next project shown is a combination of 3 diffrenr characters from the same anime. I used diffrent photos of a characters hair,eyes,nose,mouth,and body.
Next is an image of the imposter from Among Us jumping away from a dead crewmate they killed in the ocean.
Finally, the last projects I will be showing revolove around Spongebob Squarepants, so please enjoy Spongebob thinking about his favourite people/things, aswell as Spongtebob and Patrick walking to the Krusty Krab